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Thursday, November 6, 2008

calorie restriction

Calorie restriction is a technique for increasing the maximum life spans in humans. It is basically reducing the energy intake while packing your diet full of minerals and vitamins. Although much research hasnt been done on the subject in humans and is limited to small animals,its proponents swear that it is only scientifc proven theory that elongote life. The effect has lead to a lower cholestrol levels resulting in better cardiovascular health in humans ,reduced blood sugar preventing diabetes and BMI levels of around 19 which is at a lower level in humans and reduced weight . The clinical trials are currently going for humans .This regime is not without its side effects which include feeling lethargy and tired ,depression, and risking muscle loss .(the people generally restrict the calorie intake to 1600 cal which is around 800 calories less than 2400 calories --the recommended value for normal diet).Also CR can be pretty expensive and require quite a bit of discipline.

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